Jack's Secret Sauce

Monday, December 20, 2004

It's All In Your Head, I Promise

Ok, so I don't really want to write more about the Theory final. It's really not that interesting... just a crazy crazy test and a lot of nervousness and consequent inability to sleep. Awesome.

I've been trying all day to study for my Psych Anthro test tomorrow at 8am. I just CAN'T care anymore. I've hated that class since... well, September. Giesler really disappointed me this semester. Maybe I expected it to be like my Anthro classes freshman year... but I forgot that I am NOT a freshman, and I don't think like a freshman. hmm.

I've been cleaning, too, so Becky can actually fit her stuff into this room. I took over most of the space this semester. Oops. I am sooo sooo excited to see Becky. I bought I gigantic bag of Cheetos for her, since they don't have those in Europe, and she misses them a lot. Ha.
I hope I can get in touch with GAC people over break. Staying in RF for two weeks by myself really doesn't appeal to me... you'd understand if you knew my family... and the people I went to HS with. Ha. High school.

Ok, I suppose I should clean out the fridge and "study" Anthro.

Saturday, December 18, 2004


I'd just like you all to know that the Theory final is OVER!!!!! More about that later... I have shit to do! ;)

Friday, December 17, 2004

Little Miss Can't-Be-Wrong

Ugh. I just woke up. I'm listening to loud music... need to feel awake. Finals start today. I have to finish my paper that's due at 3:30.
Suddenly, I just want to graduate and flee the area. I want to drive to Florida or Boston or Alaska... or somewhere that's not here. Too bad I don't have any money.
I really hope we get to Chicago over J-term.
I just need to get away from Gustvus and the people that are making me crazy. Actually, I'm probably just making myself crazy... Sorry, I guess I'm just frusterated with a few people right now. That's very ambiguous, isn't it? Huh, and now you're wondering WHO it is, and I'm not going to tell you. You might even ask me after you read this... I still won't tell you. Why even write what I wrote then, if that's all the info I'm going to give out? HA. Just to make you as crazy as I am!

Thursday, December 16, 2004


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Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Pass the Fucking Butter

It's official, Sociological Theory will drive me insane by Saturday morning.... just a heads up. Our final is worth over 300 points - over 1/2 our grade. We have many essays, writted Hilbert-style...plus multiple choice stuff, and matching. It's just crazy. I still love the material and the class, and yeah, I guess, Hilbert too. He sent us an e-mail about the word "Cowabunga," with like six websites that we should look at. (Did you know that it was first used on the Howdy Doody show?) I laughed so hard I fell off my chair.

Tomorrow is the last day of classes. It's my second to last 'last day' of classes EVER. I'm really not that excited about it though. In past years, I haven't has as much to do for finals, so the last day of classes was always a big happy day. That's not the case this year. I hope I can get everything done without freaking out too much. I just have to remember that I will get it done... I'm not one to just NOT do something that needs to get done, if that makes any sense.

I had dinner with Sarah, Marvin, & Hybbert tonight at Grizzly's (great food!). It was nice to see my Mankato friends. I haven't hung out with them as much this sememster, and that makes me sad. Sarah offered to room with me after this year... apparently her current roommates have gone completely insane and are spreading crabs all over the apartment (ok, that crabs thing is a joke, but it led into a really interesting story about casual sex).

I miss tetris.
It's been so cold her the past few days that I don't dare venture over to AV. Seriously, it was SEVEN degrees when I woke up this morning. SEVEN. WTF? I think it should be a requirement that we have snow if it's going to be that cold.

I should do homework. I think I'll try to read some Theory. By the way, the title of this entry is a quote from my Theory book... ha.

Monday, December 13, 2004

Tequila Sunrise

Today I got to drive to RF and back again. My mom's family had our Thanksgiving/Christmas dinner. We combined the two holidays this year. My grandpa's not doing so well, and most of my cousins are older and on their own now... it's hard to get everyone together these days. Apparently my oldest cousin is pregnant again! She has a two year old already. Yikes. Babies.
Anyway, the dinner was wonderful. It was nice to see my family. We do this pound gift exchange where you bring a wrapped gift that weighs a pound, then everyone picks something and we unwrap at the same time.
I got a lotion/soap/bodywash set that is supposedly "Tequila Sunrise" scented... I thought that was hilarious since I had my very first Tequila Sunrise over at Jackie's this past Thursday.

This week is going to be bad. I got back tonight and was like "Shit, man, I have a lot to do." I can't seem to concentrate for more than 10 minutes at a time. What is my problem?

Last night was pretty crazy. I was over in Rundy at an "underage party" [don't worry - no one was actually underage]. I was sober the whole night, and it was interesting to watch everyone else get progressively drunk. When Greg started stripping, tackling people, and spilling salsa, I decided I should leave. Too much for sober me to handle. It was fun though, for the most part. I felt more comfortable than I have when I've hung out with those guys in the past. Hooray.

It should definitely not be Monday tomorrow.

Thursday, December 09, 2004


Ok, so I'm trying to write my Anthro paper for tomorrow. 5-7 pages... shouldn't be a problem, right? Well, it's definitely a problem for me today. Seriously, I think I have ADD. I keep turning on my Winamp and playing minesweeper. When I'm actually writing, I go pretty quickly. But no... I just can't make myself write for more than 10 minutes at a time. I even went as far as listening to "Toxic" by Britney Spears. What is wrong with me? It just needs to be Friday. NOW..... "I'm addicted to you, but you know that you're toxic..." Damn.

I Hate Cheesecake

I have to write an entire paper tomorrow. I don't want to write an entire paper tomorrow. I suppose I could have prevented that by STARTING the damn thing earlier. Once again, Laura's lack of responsibility shines through.

I almost fell into the gigantic dumpster at work today... This is no ordinary dumpster - it's the CAFETERIA dumpster... full of really gross food things. Yep, that's right, I was almost IN the dumpster. It was pretty dang hilarious. Let me know if you want to hear the whole story.

My AIM decided to be punk and block my screenname today. No reason. I had to get a new one and beg people to give me thier names again so I could add them to my new list. It happened right when I was going to hurry through my Anthro homework that was due an hour after that. Of course, I had to push Anthro aside to take care of AIM, because AIM is that important to me. :P

I was over to AV earlier tonight. Felt kind of alienated. Not sure why. Perhaps it was just my mood. Maybe I just crave too much attention... and no one cares that much about me, so I have to go and feel pathetic. Listen to me whine.
I think we should all skip Thursday and go right to Friday afternoon. Ready... 1... 2... 3...

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Air Guitar - Sad Existence

So, I've completely lost any sense of responsibility. It's gone. Definitely gone.
It's nice in a sense, because I feel very free. I just want to run amok and be crazy... btw, did you know that there's an actually mental disorder called "amok"... it's in Melanesia or somewhere. I just read about it for Anthro. I wonder if that's where the word came from. Funny, since it's been an inside joke for me since like 10th grade.
Anyway, back to my lack of responsibility. It's starting to annoy me, because apparently no one else feels like I do. Everyone's diligently doing homework all the time. What's with that?? It's hard for me to believe that no one else is burnt out or sick of this school crap.

So what do I do with my time if there's no one to hang out with? Well... I sit in my little room in Uhler, turn my music up really loud, sing, and dance around my room and play air guitar. No, I'm not kidding. Oh, and I also eat cheetos or chocolate or other junk that I happen to have lying around. It's fun for a while... but I'm starting to think I'm really pathetic! Seriously, Laura...
I've definitely learned the lyrics to a few new songs.
Maybe I have ADD. Dude.
I guess that's all for now.

Monday, December 06, 2004

Learning to Fly, But I Ain't Got Wings...

Watch out, if you're not in the mood for sappiness, do NOT read this. :P

I can't believe how crazy life is these days. It's so great. My life is generally very boring, so this is a nice change.
I've found a new theme song... Tom Petty's ''Learning to Fly''... seriously, this song is my life right now, if that makes any sense. What a great song. I searched for way too long on the network today to find it... finally did... then I put it on repeat for like an hour.
This weekend was completely backwards and insane, but it's definitely what I needed. I definitely took advantage of being in college. I really don't know exactly what went on this weekend... not that I don't remember - because I do... I just don't really know what it is that's making me feel so good.
Maybe it's just that I finally had a good sense of what's going to be important to me in the long run, and what isn't.
It's not going to matter if I didn't read half of some women's studies article a year from now... I'm not going to die if I didn't study very much for my Soc Theory test. What IS going to matter are the memories I create and the friendships I make, especially now. God knows, we'll all need friends when we graduate and have to do things by ourselves.
I guess I also feel like I can make friends on my own now, based on ME... I don't feel like I have to put up a front. This has been such a valuable semester in that sense. It's hard to escape getting caught up in life's problems... there are so many things that I could worry about. I'd rather not worry so much about things that don't mean anything.
SO to all of you who I've gotten to know better in the past few years (especially this year), thanks! I love you!

Now that I have that out of my system... I suppose I could do some of that homework that I ignored all weekend.

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Tetris Rocks My World!

Ok, so it's like 8:30am, and I should still be sleeping.
Last night I was over in AV being a bum and avoiding homework... there was nothing fun to do, really, until I realized that Matt owns Tetris Worlds, the one video game I can not only actually play, but also play pretty well... if I may say so myself. Dude, seriously... we played for at least two hours.
I've always been a closet Tetris freak, and I got Tetris Worlds last Christmas when my mom got Katie a PS2. I think my secret's out to the Gustuavus community.
Anyway, it was a really really nice end to a day that for the most part was hell. Long story... the shortened version is that at 12:30 yesterday I was in Elizabeth's office sobbing my eyes out. I felt very pathetic... I try not to push my problems in other people's faces like that, but yesterday things got to be too much for one girl to handle. She helped me so much though... she is soooo great.
SO anyway, yeah, I love Tetris. I might just steal our PS2 from home and bring it here during J-term.
Gotta go to Pilates. Hopefully I won't fall asleep.