Pass the Fucking Butter
It's official, Sociological Theory will drive me insane by Saturday morning.... just a heads up. Our final is worth over 300 points - over 1/2 our grade. We have many essays, writted multiple choice stuff, and matching. It's just crazy. I still love the material and the class, and yeah, I guess, Hilbert too. He sent us an e-mail about the word "Cowabunga," with like six websites that we should look at. (Did you know that it was first used on the Howdy Doody show?) I laughed so hard I fell off my chair.
Tomorrow is the last day of classes. It's my second to last 'last day' of classes EVER. I'm really not that excited about it though. In past years, I haven't has as much to do for finals, so the last day of classes was always a big happy day. That's not the case this year. I hope I can get everything done without freaking out too much. I just have to remember that I will get it done... I'm not one to just NOT do something that needs to get done, if that makes any sense.
I had dinner with Sarah, Marvin, & Hybbert tonight at Grizzly's (great food!). It was nice to see my Mankato friends. I haven't hung out with them as much this sememster, and that makes me sad. Sarah offered to room with me after this year... apparently her current roommates have gone completely insane and are spreading crabs all over the apartment (ok, that crabs thing is a joke, but it led into a really interesting story about casual sex).
I miss tetris.
It's been so cold her the past few days that I don't dare venture over to AV. Seriously, it was SEVEN degrees when I woke up this morning. SEVEN. WTF? I think it should be a requirement that we have snow if it's going to be that cold.
I should do homework. I think I'll try to read some Theory. By the way, the title of this entry is a quote from my Theory book... ha.
Tomorrow is the last day of classes. It's my second to last 'last day' of classes EVER. I'm really not that excited about it though. In past years, I haven't has as much to do for finals, so the last day of classes was always a big happy day. That's not the case this year. I hope I can get everything done without freaking out too much. I just have to remember that I will get it done... I'm not one to just NOT do something that needs to get done, if that makes any sense.
I had dinner with Sarah, Marvin, & Hybbert tonight at Grizzly's (great food!). It was nice to see my Mankato friends. I haven't hung out with them as much this sememster, and that makes me sad. Sarah offered to room with me after this year... apparently her current roommates have gone completely insane and are spreading crabs all over the apartment (ok, that crabs thing is a joke, but it led into a really interesting story about casual sex).
I miss tetris.
It's been so cold her the past few days that I don't dare venture over to AV. Seriously, it was SEVEN degrees when I woke up this morning. SEVEN. WTF? I think it should be a requirement that we have snow if it's going to be that cold.
I should do homework. I think I'll try to read some Theory. By the way, the title of this entry is a quote from my Theory book... ha.
Lol, the crabs have taken over!!! Nooo!!! J/K. Just want you to know that the rooming together thing is just an option for you. I can probably stick it out here another year, just thinking that if you want to move to kato to work for a year, I'd have no problem getting out of this living situation. Good luck with finals!!!
Sarah, at 12/15/2004
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