Jack's Secret Sauce

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Air Guitar - Sad Existence

So, I've completely lost any sense of responsibility. It's gone. Definitely gone.
It's nice in a sense, because I feel very free. I just want to run amok and be crazy... btw, did you know that there's an actually mental disorder called "amok"... it's in Melanesia or somewhere. I just read about it for Anthro. I wonder if that's where the word came from. Funny, since it's been an inside joke for me since like 10th grade.
Anyway, back to my lack of responsibility. It's starting to annoy me, because apparently no one else feels like I do. Everyone's diligently doing homework all the time. What's with that?? It's hard for me to believe that no one else is burnt out or sick of this school crap.

So what do I do with my time if there's no one to hang out with? Well... I sit in my little room in Uhler, turn my music up really loud, sing, and dance around my room and play air guitar. No, I'm not kidding. Oh, and I also eat cheetos or chocolate or other junk that I happen to have lying around. It's fun for a while... but I'm starting to think I'm really pathetic! Seriously, Laura...
I've definitely learned the lyrics to a few new songs.
Maybe I have ADD. Dude.
I guess that's all for now.


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