Jack's Secret Sauce

Friday, June 24, 2005

I Wish My Life Was a Sappy Teen Movie

Okay, so after a long day of working around the house and outside (in the 100 degree weather), I had lunch with my good friend Jess at the Green Mill, then I came back and watched A Cinderella Story (yeah, with Hilary Duff) downstairs, while lying in the middle of the newly-shampooed carpet. It's a sappy, cliche, pathetic movie, but I ended up watching the entire damn thing.
Even WORSE, I watched at Sarah's last weekend (it has been on HBO).

I know I shouldn't get into those types of movies, but I couldn't help myself. Where the fuck is my prince charming? Why can't I be in a fairy tale?! Ah, but this is real life. REALITY. Real life doesn't work like that. Yeah, it can have it's amazing/romantic fairy-tale-ish moments, but they are few and far between... at least in my experience.

Today, I hung up christmas lights and cleaned the bathroom and the living room upstairs. Then I weeded and trimmed bushes. Then I danced around on the first step of the pool. This is what unemployed Laura does with her spare time...
Actually, I have quite a few preparations left for the party. That's tomorrow. Becky's coming in the afternoon tomorrow to help out (on her BIRTHDAY!)

Ugh, life.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Cookie Monster Pillow

I have one of those big pillows on my bed that's kind of like a chair... meaning, it has two "arm rests" and you can put it behind your back when you're sitting up to make yourself more comfortable. I got it for HS graduation. It's dark blue and fuzzy and reminds me of Cookie Monster.

Still jobless. Still living in the basement of my parents house. I guess it hasn't been this long. Check back with me when I'm 26. If I'm still here, THEN start worrying.

Big fiesta here this coming weekend. Still no idea exactly how many people are going to show up... that makes me nervous. I get crazy about planning parties. I used to have crazy amounts of people over in high school, and I'd decorate the whole fricking house and have way too much food... always. Such a little hostess. Anyway, I'm worried that (a) either more people will show up than I expected and I'll freak out because there won't be enough food, or (b) hardly anyone will show up, and I'll feel very sad and have to eat sad party leftovers for weeks.
I'm more worried about b... have had nightmares.

It's now 11pm, and the house, neighborhood, entire city of River Falls is asleep. I need to move to a more exciting place! I think I'm going to watch Zoolander... just got it a few weeks ago. I can't stop watching it. I know, it's kind of mindless humor, but I think it's absolutely hilarious. I "discovered" it during senior week (well, "discovered" it courtesy of my senior week fling who never called back, damn it), then I found it at Target the next week for $7.50. Woo!

So... if you're actually reading this, you're as bored as I am. You should give me a call.
Now it's time for me to hang out with the Cookie Monster pillow and watch Ben Stiller be really really ridiculously good-looking.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Can't Help Myself...

More song lyrics (hey, lay off, I haven't done it for a while!)

Life For Rent - Dido

I haven't really ever found a place that I call home
I never stick around quite long enough to make it
I apologize that once again I'm not in love
But it's not as if I mind
that your heart ain't exactly breaking

It's just a thought, only a thought

But if my life is for rent and I don't learn to buy
Well I deserve nothing more than I get
'Cause nothing I have is truly mine

I've always thought that I would love to live by the sea
To travel the world alone
and live my life more simply
I have no idea what's happened to that dream
'Cause there's really nothing left here to stop me

It's just a thought, only a thought

But if my life is for rent and I don't learn to buy
Well I deserve nothing more than I get
'Cause nothing I have is truly mine

While my heart is a shield and I won't let it down
While I am so afraid to fail so I won't even try
Well how can I say I'm alive

If my life is for rent...

Discover River Falls

Hey. You. Come to River Falls. Hang out with me. Please?

I need to get out of this place. I think if I was in a more exciting place, I wouldn't miss the college life so much. Or is this normal? I just miss seeing everyone. I miss the people. I'm almost starting to miss the drama! Weird, man. It's sad to think that there are so many amazing people that I'll probably never see again. I guess you never know though, and I should probably look ahead instead of behind.
Hooray for the exciting future and all that.

Today, I discovered that Italian dressing on red potatoes is really tasty. One thing I am VERY excited about is having a kitchen in which to cook fun meals... and parents who will still buy me food to cook. That is very cool.
My mom and I went grocery shopping today, and I got all this weird stuff that I want to make... lots of vegetables. I'm going to get creative. Damn it, I have time! Why not teach myself how to cook? I'm excited for breakfast tomorrow.
NERD = me

I just need to get my stuff in order here... then I can fly away.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

You Wouldn't Believe Me If I Told You...

Ok, so I haven't been on here in a few weeks. Sorry about that, if anyone cares. I can't believe how much happened in those few weeks.

Apparently, I graduated from college on Sunday. Hooray...? Honestly, I'm not sure how ready I am. Why am I always behind? Is it because my birthday's in August? I've always wondered how my life would be different if my parents had decided to wait a year before shoving me into kindergarden (they debated it for a while, since my birthday is so late).
Honestly. I think choice is very amazing. I mean, one little choice can change the entire path of your life. Isn't that crazy? There are so many choices. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed.

Then again... I'm ready for some new adventures and some new people (although I hope to keep in touch with all of the great people I've met over the past four years). Trouble is, I just don't know where to begin. Which way should I turn? I can't decide where to start. I suppose I should just stop thinking about it and just pick SOMETHING. I can't do everything at once.

So if anyone has pictures from bar crawl, I'd like some. I didn't bring my camera that night.

Listening to DIDO... a recent preoccupation. I remember Kristen telling me how good this CD was when she was in France. I didn't give it much thought, but now that I have a copy of the album, I can't stop listening. I'm going to wear out the disc.