Jack's Secret Sauce

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

You Wouldn't Believe Me If I Told You...

Ok, so I haven't been on here in a few weeks. Sorry about that, if anyone cares. I can't believe how much happened in those few weeks.

Apparently, I graduated from college on Sunday. Hooray...? Honestly, I'm not sure how ready I am. Why am I always behind? Is it because my birthday's in August? I've always wondered how my life would be different if my parents had decided to wait a year before shoving me into kindergarden (they debated it for a while, since my birthday is so late).
Honestly. I think choice is very amazing. I mean, one little choice can change the entire path of your life. Isn't that crazy? There are so many choices. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed.

Then again... I'm ready for some new adventures and some new people (although I hope to keep in touch with all of the great people I've met over the past four years). Trouble is, I just don't know where to begin. Which way should I turn? I can't decide where to start. I suppose I should just stop thinking about it and just pick SOMETHING. I can't do everything at once.

So if anyone has pictures from bar crawl, I'd like some. I didn't bring my camera that night.

Listening to DIDO... a recent preoccupation. I remember Kristen telling me how good this CD was when she was in France. I didn't give it much thought, but now that I have a copy of the album, I can't stop listening. I'm going to wear out the disc.


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