Jack's Secret Sauce

Friday, May 13, 2005

Picture Pages

Did anyone else ever watch Picture Pages as a child? Y'know, with Bill Cosby. Dang. I'll have to find those videos. Don't know what made me think of that.

I just painted my nails. Bright, obnoxious pink. It is somewhat difficult to type.

Went to Oodles today with Jackie, Heather, Ash & Tom. Three cheers for that.

Didn't get much sleep last night. Was at Pattys (karaoke) until close, then I had to drive around looking for a parking spot. Very tired. Too bad. I really hope tonight's fun. I'd like a drama-free night of happiness. We'll see. It's still gross and dreary outside. Maybe I should take a nap... have to go to dance soon though (group practice for our final project). Yikes.

Moby's Porcelain (sp?) just came on my winamp. That song reminds me of high school drama. Somewhat fitting, I guess.

Hmm, sad, I thought I had more to say. Perhaps I'll try again later.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Don't Be Hatin'

Why do people rip on blogs so much? It's annoying. I think some dumb editorial writer said something about them, and the rest of the world caught on (we always need SOMETHING to complain about).
Honestly, what's wrong with blogs? I feel that mine is very helpful. I use to procrastinate and avoid boredom. Also, I think it'll be interesting to look back on this and read about how crazy I was during my senior year of college. :P
The drama continues.
I cannot believe how little time I have left year. I freaked out a little bit last night (the last Tuesday trivia at Patty's), when I started to think about how much I need to do before finals and then suddently realized that finals START NEXT WEEK! Wow.

Everyday, I feel like there are more 'lasts.' The last trivia, the last college class, the last handbell performance, the last midnight express, the last last day of school (yeah, that really does make sense if you read it slowly), etc, etc.
I suppose there will soon be quite a few "firsts" as well. You'll have that with any transition, I guess. It's just different, it's 'change,' and change is generally scary because it's unknown.

I guess I have a choice here. I could be scared about this OR I could be excited about all the possibilities. Hmm. I'll have to write myself a note about that and stick it on my computer. Otherwise, I'll just be scared all the time.

Monday, May 09, 2005

The period of denial is over. I need to accept that life is ridiculous... and there is NOTHING I can do about it.

Friday, May 06, 2005


The weekend is starting!

AKD Induction - 4pm - Interpretive Center in the arb... come if you'd like. I've decided I have executive privledge since I'm co-prez and am inviting friends. We always have food left over anyway!

Excited to see my parents. I was thinking earlier about how rarely I go home. Weird.

Tomorrow should be fun, even though I have to get up at the ass-crack of dawn. Ok, so not dawn... but close. I'll feel special at the PBK Induction, even if I'm sleepy. Plus, we get food!

Yip yip. I'm off to lunch.

Thursday, May 05, 2005


This week is too weird.

I need more structure. I don't know what it is, but I can't seem to concentrate anymore. Graduation looms like a thief in a dark ally. (Ooooh, I'm dramatic!)
I haven't had much to do (homework) lately. Sooo, instead I've spent way too much money, eaten way too much food at restaurants, and become even more crazy.
Last night I left trivia early and went to Perkins with MC. After that, we came back here and watched Happy Gilmore, which I hadn't seen since... junior year of high school, maybe?

Today, Becky and I went to Mankato to kidnap Sarah (she had a bad day). We took her to Grizzly's and DQ. Grizzly's has very good drinks! Good Tequila Lime Chicken too... I was pleased. The DQ we went to is hidden in the depths of downtown Mankato - and it's so great! It's "old skool" (can I still say that?).

Becky took me over to the new ''meditation'' area in the arb. It's very cool, and I had no idea it existed. I'll have to get over there by myself sometime in early in the morning... if I'm ever up early in the morning and feel like walking to the arb instead of sleeping.

Much to do tomorrow... class, 3 meetings, laundry, and Cinco de Mayo festivities. Ok, so it's not that much, but laundry takes forever, so I feel like I have a lot to do.

Monday, May 02, 2005

It's The World I Know...

Happy Monday. So glad the weekend's over. (I think that's the first time I've ever said that!) It just wasn't a good time.
Thankfully, I realized yesterday that I really do have a few good friends who will always be there to help me out.
I feel so much better today. It's still freezing - 37 degress and it's MAY.

I don't have much homework today... okay, I don't have ANY (well, except for Suz readings, but who does those?). So... I'm going SHOPPING! Not that I have money. I have a coupon for free underwear at Victoria's Secret, and then I'm going to Gordman's to see if I can get some good deals. Mother's Day and some birthdays are coming up pretty quickly.

It's weird... I don't have any homework due until Friday - and the only thing I have to do for Friday is read one article. This is amazingly weird. I feel like I should drive to Canada and party... or something. But Friday is when the busy weekend starts.

I got to talk about Rich Hilbert in my Sex & Science class this morning. That made me very happy.
I'm starting to get excited for this coming weekend... lots going on. AKD induction on Friday. Greg's party is also that night. Saturday begins with the PBK induction, then the ''honors convocation'' - I get to carry the S/A banner and go up on stage for PBK. Woot. I am so special. Ha. Becky's presenting her honors thesis at 1:30. The senior art show opening is that afternoon from 4-7pm. Then I'm getting... crunk. Yep, I went there.

Excited to see my parents and to go out to eat with them. Sad that Katie's not coming, but I'm sure she'd get bored.

24 tonight. Hooray.