Jack's Secret Sauce

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Don't Be Hatin'

Why do people rip on blogs so much? It's annoying. I think some dumb editorial writer said something about them, and the rest of the world caught on (we always need SOMETHING to complain about).
Honestly, what's wrong with blogs? I feel that mine is very helpful. I use to procrastinate and avoid boredom. Also, I think it'll be interesting to look back on this and read about how crazy I was during my senior year of college. :P
The drama continues.
I cannot believe how little time I have left year. I freaked out a little bit last night (the last Tuesday trivia at Patty's), when I started to think about how much I need to do before finals and then suddently realized that finals START NEXT WEEK! Wow.

Everyday, I feel like there are more 'lasts.' The last trivia, the last college class, the last handbell performance, the last midnight express, the last last day of school (yeah, that really does make sense if you read it slowly), etc, etc.
I suppose there will soon be quite a few "firsts" as well. You'll have that with any transition, I guess. It's just different, it's 'change,' and change is generally scary because it's unknown.

I guess I have a choice here. I could be scared about this OR I could be excited about all the possibilities. Hmm. I'll have to write myself a note about that and stick it on my computer. Otherwise, I'll just be scared all the time.


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