Hello blog.
I'm sitting in the TA office. I just finished writing behavioral and demographic questions for my third assignment for my Questionnaire Design course. My draft will now go through an "expert review" process (another classmate will look at it), and then I'll redo a few things and write a report about what I think will work and not work when it's actually tested in the "real world."
I have a big Theory midterm due on Friday... which I am not working on right now because I am writing this... but even when I finish writing this, I probably won't work on the midterm (mostly because I have Theory tomorrow evening and will learn a lot more in that class that I need to INCLUDE in the midterm... so why start it now if I'll have to change it later?)
I've stared to formulate a few thesis topic ideas - but so far they're all vague and incoherent. Next week (spring break), I plan to do some online research to see what's been done/what I could contribute to/what I'm forgetting... or maybe I'll research just to make myself wonder how the hell I'm ever going to write anything that even feigns brilliance... or mediocrity.
On top of all this research, I will also be updating my resume, looking for a summer job, and visiting friends.
This coming week will apparently be longer than all other weeks (if I'm going to have time to get all this stuff done, it will have to be a LONG week).
This past weekend Jen and Megan were down to visit. I forever respect anyone who makes the 6 hour trek from the twin cities in the darkness and in bad weather... so hooray for these lovely girls who did just that (and then got lost downtown at midnight because their exit off of the freeway was closed for some reason). We had a fun time visiting the art museum, several restaurants, and then hanging out at my house with chocolate chips, fruit snacks and wine. Yep, you read that right.
This picture is of a piece in the museum that I really liked. There was a mirror behind these glass jar-like objects - so if you look at it "right" it seems to go on forever. I'm glad the picture turned out. If you'd like to learn more about the museum, click this link -->
http://www.mam.org/I may or may not go study for statistics now.