Jack's Secret Sauce

Thursday, July 20, 2006

End credits

Tomorrow is my last day of work at Opus. It's kind of surreal, and I'm still not sure how I feel about it. My experience at this job is ending on a very positive note, and I've learned so much over the past year. I'm very thankful to have had the opportunity to stumble through it myself, without anyone holding my hand along the way.
I now feel more confident in my problem solving skills, my ability to pick up on new things and survive in a new environment.
I survived a year of severe change! I'm very proud of myself and will be sad to leave the people at the office.

But life beckons... and I come a-runnin.' (I think I just made that word up... at least the spelling of it.)

This next step in my journey is kinda freaking me out. Moving to a new place... starting school again... growing up.
I adore the cities and my apartment here, and I'll be sad to leave my good friends who are in this area. However, one of my life goals is to see as much of the world as I can... so I figure I'd better start now, no matter how scary this unknown future seems.
I'm confident now that I can do this on my own.

Also note - to celebrate my last day of work, I'm going to Drink (with a capital "D" - meaning the bar, called Drink, in Uptown)... tomorrow night. You should come.


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