Jack's Secret Sauce

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Chocolate Chips

I turned in my sad sad research paper on Pro-Anorexia websites today. I think that is the most interesting topic I have ever written on. Scary though. I sit here and suck on my chocolate chips and think "I could never give up chocolate..." Not anymore at least. I did the whole self-starvation thing in high school... (anorexia is a "side effect" of Ulcerative Colitis, my lovely inherited stomach disease for which there is no cure)... anyway, once I had the Colitis under control, I decided that I really liked food and have been on my way to a better, less bony Laura ever since.
Seriously guys, I love chocolate. I also love cheetos, techno music, and boys who wear clothes from Express for Men... but that's another story.

Ok, so right now I'm procrastinating big time. I actually don't have that much to do, but it seems like everyone else is pretty busy.
I worked out today for a really long time, and it was *awesome*... I almost felt like a real athlete! Ha.
Then I did laundry, and there was NO ONE in the laundry room! I had it all to myself and it went SO FAST. IT WAS THE COOLEST! That NEVER HAPPENS in UHLER! Ok, I'll stop shouting now.

I guess I'm excited to go home for Thanksgiving, although it isn't really much of a break and I'll mostly be doing homework... maybe shopping w/Dan, & eating turkey.
My mom and sister are leaving on Thanksgiving day for Texas for a soccer tourney. Thanksgiving day! Texas! Fuck Texas. Ha. I guess I don't really hate Texas... it's just annoying that they're leaving. I hope I can get to the bars in RF over break with some people... wait a minute, I don't keep in touch with any of my high school friends! Well, ok, Adam and Jess... kind of... but that's pretty much it. You guys free over break? Wanna go to the bar with me?
Seriously. My life is so boring.


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