Jack's Secret Sauce

Friday, August 25, 2006

I Like Myself

Wow, Happy Birthday to ME. (Trying to make myself feel special here.) I guess birthdays aren't a very big deal after you hit the 21 mark. Too bad.

As far as I've been able to tell, I am the second youngest person in my program - but only by two months. Jo turns 23 in October.

I received a "Happy Birthday" e-mail from the IMT computer program today... I'm not quite sure what that is... something associated with UWM. They sent a little alligator dude made completely out of lines and dashes (y'know -__----... that kind of thing).

Today Jo, Karen (another 1st year - she's 33 and has a 5-year-old son named Emmitt) and I are going to go downtown and explore the Riverwalk area (unless it's raining... if it is, we'll probably just go find a coffee shop somewhere). I'm glad I found a few people to hang out with me today.

It's grey, windy, and kinda cold outside. I think I'll go for a run.


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