Jack's Secret Sauce

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Dating Disorder!

Ok, so I was at a meeting for my independent study today - I'm working with a group of people who probably know (Heather, Jackie, Jennie, & Daria) to write this health handbook - "by students, for students!" We were sorting through some information and Heather (I think) came across this horrible piece of writing by some student that included info on "dating disorders"... we thought the "dating" was "dieting" spelled wrong.
The meeting got progressively funnier as we all discussed our different symptoms of our new-found dating disorders.
Funny right? Ok, maybe you had to be there. :P

Was at Perkins esta manana (sorry - that's looks like very sad Spanish w/o the accents... does anyone know how to do those things on a keyboard?). Anyway, I was at Perkins this morning... and last night. I'm starting to get excited for this project, although it's still difficult to get off my arse, walk to my car, and drive to the restaurant to actually do the work.

I found a Scissor Sisters song that I actually don't like. It's number 4 on the CD... so just in case you happen to pick up that CD, watch out for the fourth track. I don't know, it just annoys me.
Besides that, I'm still obnoxiously obsessed. I'm sure it'll wear off any day now. Yep, any day now.

I'm in a really weird mood.
I think maybe there has just been so much shit going on lately that it suddenly became too much and I cracked. I am now insane. All my horrible problems now seem really really funny, and I laugh maniacally at them. Hahahahahaha! (<-- see!)

I refuse to be normal.


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