Jack's Secret Sauce

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

The Sickness Gets Worse

Today I was a waste of space.
I got up and went to my appointment at health services. There was a student nurse there learning the ropes... I was in there for over 45 minutes! They did a strep test... negative, and a flu test... also negative. She thinks I have mono, but she couldn't test for it yet, since I've only been sick for a few days. I need to come back in next week if I still feel like I'm dying. PLEASE don't let me have mono! Not this semester! Ugh.
I skipped class today to sleep. I talked to my jazz instructor, and she said that if it is mono, I'll have to drop the class. Thanks a lot Michelle Rasinko! I need this class to graduate (ARTSP). Not good. I only have one more absence left now, too.

The funny thing is, my disease is strangly similar to Kristen's bronchitis. I'm kinda betting (and hoping) I have that. (It's better than mono). We'll see.

So really didn't do anything today that is worth writing here. I slept a lot, wandered around like a zombie, somehow made it to Econo to get a perscription for my ear infection (when I get sick, I get SICK).
It's times like these that it'd be really great to have someone who could take care of me. Mom, where are you? No, I'm a big girl. I can take care of myself. It just sucks!

Busy day tomorrow. Let's hope I feel a little better.


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