Jack's Secret Sauce

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Three Cheers for the Hot Tub!

WOO! I just got back from the Lund Hot Tub with Jackie and Heidi. Amazingly enough, it was the first time I'd ever been there... and it was GREAT! I feel so warm and relaxed and happy. I remember people trying to get me to go quite a bit last year, but for some reason, I never went. Boy, was I missing out! Seriously... you gotta try it. :)

I made it safely to Chicago and back last week. We left on Thursday morning and got back Sunday night. It was an interesting trip, to say the least. The weather was crazy bad. Honestly, I haven't seen that much snow in years... over a foot (and in a big city, a lot of snow makes people insane). It was windy and cold, too... but it IS January. I think the crazy weather actually made it a more unique experience. It was weird hanging out with three guys who I don't know all that well for four days... but I'm still alive (even after Sean putting the car in the ditch near Madison, walking through knee-deep snow, drinking way too much, and getting stuck in traffic for hours). I hope my pictures turn out.
I really love Chicago and would like to live there someday soon. It'd be awesome if some museum there would just call me and give me a job... I'd be there in a second.

I'm glad J-term's almost over. I've realized I need some sort of schedule in my life. Since I dont' have much money and since most everyone else is pretty busy, I've done a lot of sitting around by myself. I window shop, but honestly, the Mankato mall can get old.

I taped 24 tonight so I could go swimming. I think I'll go watch that now. :)


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