Jack's Secret Sauce

Friday, February 18, 2005

"Acid Junkie College Flunky Dirty Puppy Daddy Bastard"

Well hello.
My computer was sick for a few days there, and I couldn't get this page to open to update. I gave it a couple asprin and told it to rest, and now it seems to be doing fine. Haha.

So the V-day party went really well last Monday. At one point I think we had 13 girls here (if you've ever seen our room, you know that's a crowd). We had lots of wine and cheese and chocolate and of course, Hot Sex. I bought a bottle for everyone... what woman doesn't want some hot sex on Valentine's Day?! Ok, seriously, if you don't get that... it's a type of mixed drink that tastes like a chocolate milkshake with at kick.
Anyway, I was happy with the party. It's always nice to know that you have that many people interested in seeing you. Kristen's bf did come over for a bit, but they were exiled to her room. It was funny... he walked in an everyone shouted "no boys!" He looked pretty frightened. Funny.

I think I'm going to drop one of my classes. If I don't, I will honestly go insane. No joke. I begged Elizabeth to give me a .5 credit independent study today, and she did. I just have to turn in the form tomorrow morning. That will make my life significantly better.

I've been getting into the Scissor Sisters. If you haven't heard this band, come over to Uhler and I will play my CD for you. Then you will be so amazed that you'll ask me to burn you a copy. The lyrics are like nothing I've heard before (for an example, see the title of this entry). I haven't found many CDs where I actually like all of the tracks... this one comes close. Anyway, I've been listening to it so much.... along with some songs off of the Garden State soundtrack.

Going to the Vagina Monologues tomorrow night. Kristen and Kim are both performing in it. It should be good. Then Saturday is Megan's birthday. We're cooking dinner and then going to the bars somewhere. That'll be a good time.

I need to do laundry tomorrow. Oh joy. I wonder how many times I've complained about laundry in this thing. It's just SO HORRIBLE. I've been putting it off for a few days and am consequently dangerously close to having no (clean) clothes to wear.

Oh, and if you were wondering, I did figure out where the flowers came from. :) They are still happy and healthy and blooming. Hooray.


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