Jack's Secret Sauce

Monday, February 06, 2006


Earth shattering news!...... I had a good day at work today! It was amazing! Don't ask me why... I'm really not sure. I did have a lot of abnormal tasks to do today, and my boss and his wife are out "selling" this week.

Yesterday was good too... I watched the game. I forgot how much I get into football. I used to watch quite a bit with my mom when I was still living at home... then gradually while I was at school, I kind of forgot about it... mostly because all of my good friends hate it, so I'd be watching alone. (And then there was the time I watched the Packer/Viking game with three hardcore, obnoxious male Viking fans... that was bad.)

Anyway, it was fun... I made "game food" and got to listen to Mom yell at the TV (and then yell at my dad for talking during the commercials). By the way, the best commercial was the FedEx one where the guy kicks the little dinosaur and then gets stepped on by a gigantic dinosaur foot. Hilarious. Oh, and the magic fridge one was good too.

Another thing I did yesterday that made the day a lot better... I decided to be honest. Crazy, huh? Who would have guessed that actually getting my thoughts out and being honest about what's in my head could make me feel BETTER? Craziness... and I thought that bottling things up would just make them go away! (I hope you are getting the sarcasm in this, because I'm trying to be obvious.)

OKAY. Pilates soon... then coffee with Kristen (can you believe it, I'm sacrificing 24 for coffee?!). Kidding of course... friends trump TV shows any day. I can tape 24... but I have yet to figure out how to record a coffee date. Yeah, I know, not funny.

I want it to be the weekend again. I want weekends all the time. I need to eat more vegetables. I haven't seen Adam in like 4 days... do I really have a roommate? Sometimes I wonder. Dude, if you're reading this, I hope Chicago went well!
I think it should be spring. Then it would still be light outside right now.


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