Jack's Secret Sauce

Friday, December 09, 2005

Strawberry Cheerios

It's almost 7pm on a Friday night, and I'm crashing.
I'm supposedly going "out" with two people from work tonight; however, as I was leaving at 5, we didn't know where we were going to meet... Lauren isn't 21 yet, so we need to find an 18+ venue for her to be able to come... and Danny wants to go to the Gay 90's (which is not 18+ tonight). What a dilema.
Right now, I just feel like lounging in my pajamas and watching movies.... buuut, I've done that the past two weekends. Am I really that pathetic that I can let this happen 3 weekends in a row? Do I really have no friends? (Kidding.) They're all just busy tonight.
Another thing - when Danny and Lauren go out... they really know how to have fun, and then they drive home. If we're downtown, my home is in the complete opposite direction from both of theirs... so I'd be cabbing it by myself - expensive. (But I refuse to drive if I'm going to drink.)
Dilema #2.
Tomorrow, I'd like to get up early, do some cleaning and them POWER CHRISTMAS SHOPPING until 4:30 when I'll be at Kristen's for most of the evening (it's possible I'll end up at the Lodge... but we'll see). I'm very excited and anxious for this Christmas shopping... it was only yesterday that I realized that there are only TWO WEEK until the big holiday weekend. HOW did that happen? I work too much.
Sunday, I hope to be sledding and getting crazy with Megan... but that all depends on the timing of when I have to take Adam to and from work. Once again, we'll see.
Very excited for my French cooking class on Monday.
Even more excited to see Becky on Tuesday! WOO.
After that, there are no plans for a while. I'm sure things'll fill up. I just wish I had a coffee date tonight... or something like that... that's what I feel like doing. Good chai and good conversation are in order - I just need someone to converse with. I suppose I *could* go to a coffee shop, sit in the corner, and talk to myself. Sounds like a very "Hilbert-esq" experiment. Ha.
I got paid today. I love pay days. I cashed the check - the whole damn thing (my band is still in River Falls). Dangerous to have that cash in my hands - too easy to spend... especially since there's shopping planned for tomorrow.
I'm feeling a bit lonely these days. Is it these days? Maybe it's just the normal usual. (The normal usual?) I feel like I'm searching for something... but I can't completely definie what that something is. I suppose this feeling is common for people my age in my situation (the young and the restless.... ha).
Prodigy is playing on my winamp.
I want to go to a rave.
Last night, I hung out with Heather and Jackie for the first time in a looong while. We hit up that coffee shop right by my apartment - what a great idea that was! Great place - big menu, gourmet ice cream, very real Chai.

Damn. I am SO going to fall asleep before 10. DAMN. I really did want to go out tonight. It's just so much effort these days.
I think I need someone to just come over and drag me to the bar. Then I'd get there without too much effort on my part AND I'd feel loved. :P

I joined MySpace. Interesting phenomenon.


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