Jack's Secret Sauce

Friday, April 22, 2005

I Ruin Good Music!

Y'know how in 6th grade, you'd listen to a good song overandoverandoveragain until you were sick of it? Yeah, I still do that. I think I may have ruined the Scissor Sisters. Then again, maybe the Scissor Sisters and I just need a break, a vacation from one another... to figure things out. (It's a rocky relationship, but I need to stay strong.)

I have not done homework since Monday night.

I bought a ton of stuff at Walmart today for Relay for Life. I'm so freakishly excited. Part of my brain thinks it's some big party that I'm hosting - like I used to in HS. I get so into these things.
Anyway, I bought kabob sticks for the fruit, as well as a cooler... but I failed to make sure the sticks would fit into the cooler... they don't. I'm going to have to cut them. BOO.
I also made a batch of Berry Blue Jello/UV Blue Vodka jigglers, and I'm pretty sure I used WAY to much alcohol, because when I open the fridge, all I smell is UV Blue. Oops.
I'm going to make Orange ones either late tonight or tomorrow morning.

SERIOUSLY. I am a bad student.

It's doubly sad, because most other people seem to be occupied with actual things to do, so not only do I sit and do nothing, I sit and do nothing by myself.

I just remembered that I forgot to get popcorn at the store today. Dammit.

At least tomorrow's Friday... ha... then again, it won't really be any different than any other day this week.

Oh, btw, John's birthday celebration was way fun. I went down to Patty's with Tara and Jackie - we left at 1230, but he was feelin' it by that time. I bought him his first shot - a blow job. (Not my idea, but funny to watch.) I heard he got really sick later that night... but that was probably inevitable.

OK, back to doing more of the nothing I was doing before.


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