Grad school is cool
I have something to brag about. Since this is my blog and not many people really care what I write, I'm going to do my bragging here. (You have been warned.)
We (we = the sociology first year kids) got our first "big" papers back today, graded and marked up with green ink.
I'd felt pretty good about this paper when I turned it in. I spent a good amount of time on it and felt that it was actually decent writing... but wasn't about to let myself feel too great about it until I saw the actual grade.
I only lost two points.
I ROCK. (*gloat, gloat gloat*)
The end. Thanks for reading.
We (we = the sociology first year kids) got our first "big" papers back today, graded and marked up with green ink.
I'd felt pretty good about this paper when I turned it in. I spent a good amount of time on it and felt that it was actually decent writing... but wasn't about to let myself feel too great about it until I saw the actual grade.
I only lost two points.
I ROCK. (*gloat, gloat gloat*)
The end. Thanks for reading.
Laura = super spectacular sociology student! (s^4)
Sarah, at 10/25/2006
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