Jack's Secret Sauce

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Why I need help

I have had that song from Pocahontas - that "Colors of the Wind" song - stuck in my head for at least 5 months now.
I'll be walking down the hall from the break room back to the office and my mind will say
"You think you own whatever land you land on..." - but I won't think it in song form, I think it like it's a spoken sentence. I think I actually said it out loud one time.

The beginning of this song just pops into my head every few days! I never know when it's going to happen. There's no warning! I never get past the first stanza, either.

I haven't seen the movie Pocahontas since... okay, I don't remember the last time I saw Pocahontas, but I know I haven't seen it in at least the last 3 years.

This is not normal.


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