Jack's Secret Sauce

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Holy Guacamole

I got a free chips & guacamole from Chipotle at Relay for Life. Too bad I never go out to eat anymore.
Much to do. My head has started to spin. I'm really starting to wonder what the hell I'm doing. Why don't I care that I don't have a job yet? Have I become too laid back? Funny, since I used to be so damn uptight.
I'm just trying to take one day at a time, but it still seems like nothing is working out. I guess that's life. I really hope I can stay in touch with my friends from GAC after graduation, but I'm starting to think that it's not going to happen with very many of them.
What is the definition of a true friend? Is there a definition? Do I have any? I feel like I'm questioning every single aspect of my life these days. It's very lonely here. Then again, it seems like a lot of people are going through similar things. So are we all lonely together?
That is MESSED UP.

I need to take a shower.


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